Coming to theaters and screens this summer, information below.
The Whole Animal
In the world of food, there is no greater disconnect between the plate and the source than with meat. Many of the beautiful and sought-after dishes that now grace the tables of Michelin-starred restaurants and appear in food shows all have one thing in common: these dishes were conceived and perfected in small villages by unique cultures for very specific reasons. As society became more mechanized we lost our connection to the animals, the culture, and the stories that make up these dishes. But there is a growing movement from the top of the culinary industry to bring awareness and respect to the story of our food and the ancient profession of butchery.
This documentary from the award-winning team that made SOMM and The Delicacy takes the viewer to five countries through the pages of a mysterious cookbook to experience how using the Whole Animal and wasting nothing can teach us as much about our food as it can about the culture that made it.